Bitcoin Revolution South Africa

Bitcoin Revolution - Bitcoin Revolution
The Bitcoin Revolution of South Africa began in 2009. At that time, Bitcoin was introduced to global financial markets and it quickly made a strong case for shaking up the global payments industry. With numerous trading opportunities for Bitcoin also being offered, traders quickly jumped onto the bandwagon to get involved and the currency began to rise in value. Bitcoin reached a high in recent years of nearly $20,000 before seeing a major pullback that took prices back below the $5000 level. For the last few months now, the price of the currency has been hovering around the nine thousand and ten thousand range. The recent dip in price did find willing buyers, however, and the currency could still attempt another run at previous all-time highs in the months ahead. The meteoric rise in Bitcoin in recent years may have simply been too much too fast. Markets do not typically go straight up or straight down and the currency may have needed to spend some time at a lower price range before making a sustainable move higher.

With such a sharp and rapid rise higher in price, Bitcoin began to get noticed by an increasing number of possible users and investors. As the cryptocurrency began to be increasingly used as a payment method and wealth storage vehicle, an increasing number of people began looking to trade Bitcoin CFDs online. The increased interest in Bitcoin led to a growing variety of trading tools and enhancements, designed to lead to greater profitability and to make trading easier. These included automated trading capabilities, trade signals and analytical tools. South African traders quickly got involved as well, and before long, the trading of Bitcoin was helping thousands of regular people to earn income using a platform called Bitcoin Revolution to trade both Bitcoin and alternative currencies.
Bitcoin Revolution - Bitcoin Revolution

Bitcoin Revolution

Bitcoin Revolution is an automatic trading service that is both intuitive and effective. The software makes the trading of Bitcoin profitably possible. Not only that, but it also allows people with no previous trading experience to trade Bitcoin and other currencies profitably.

The trading platform was designed and developed by a group of trading experts that saw the value in Bitcoin and alternative currency trading. The platform developers built a trading algorithm that examines both historical and real time market data to attempt to pinpoint highly accurate trade opportunities within the marketplace. Once a trading opportunity has been identified, the system will inform the user of the specific market and whether the signal is for a buy or a sell order. Because the software is also automatic, it can also be set up to initiate the trade without the user's input. It would then set the appropriate stop-loss order as well to protect trading capital and avoid any significant losses. The auto-trade nature of the program makes it possible to profit while sleeping or attending to other activities.

The software provides numerous benefits. perhaps the biggest benefit, however, is the 99 percent accuracy that it looks for. Due to its specific trade criteria, the majority of trades taken by the system may be profitable. In fact, a quick online search of platform reviews will demonstrate that the software allows regular people to make real money and that financial success is possible for anyone.
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Bitcoin Revolution - Bitcoin Revolution and Trevor Noah

Bitcoin Revolution and Trevor Noah

The name Trevor Noah is widely recognized in South Africa. He is an award-winning comedian who now hosts the The Daily Show on the Comedy Central station in the U.S. A recent report suggested that Noah recently invested some $25 million into the Bitcoin Revolution software and is now looking to give back to the people of South Africa by making some of them very wealthy very fast.

In a recent segment from his show, Noah discussed the investment he reportedly made and also talked about retirement and helping the people of South Africa. Noah discussed making his primary purpose to provide financial freedom to as many of his countrymen as possible. He then explained that when traders utilize the trading software, he is entitled to a percentage of any profits generated. This has enabled him to generate millions of dollars for himself in a short period of time.

In a very telling gesture, Noah even made it a point to show how the software works during his show. He logged into his account, set the trading parameters and then had a winning trade within a matter of minutes. Following the conclusion of the show, he was asked by a reporter from CNN why he did not simply keep all of the money he was making. Noah replied that he was interested in spreading the wealth and that it wasn't all for himself.

Noah has, thus far, only invited a handful of South Africans to participate in his program. With the Bitcoin market being as volatile as it has been, profit opportunities have been plentiful and users have been amazed at how quickly they have been able to generate money using the Bitcoin Revolution system.

Trevor Noah does not have a college education. If he can figure out the trading system and profit from it, anyone can.
Bitcoin Revolution - The Bitcoin Revolution Trading Application

The Bitcoin Revolution Trading Application

The Bitcoin Revolution trading system is easy to use, while also having plenty of features. For new users, the simplest way to learn the platform is to visit its homepage and watch the videos. To start, the platform is free to use and there are no hidden fees or charges to users. Simply visit the website and will out the registration form and you can be up and running within a matter of minutes.

The application is very easy to learn and use. For those who have never traded before or have no knowledge of financial markets, they can set the program to auto-trade. For others who do have some market knowledge or trading experience, they can set the parameters they want trades based on. For those who want full control, the software can even be set to full manual control.

Because the software is web-based, there is no need to download anything or to constantly install product updates. An internet connection and modern browser are all that is required, making the software available to almost anyone. In addition to the software, you will also need a broker to hold your funds, handle margin requirements and to perform accounting functions. Bitcoin Revolution has partnered with top brokers in the industry to provide customers with the best of the best. The Bitcoin Revolution software can also work seamlessly with the trading platform from any partnered broker. Once you have completed the initial deposit of $250, you can begin trading. Your trading capital can be withdrawn any time hassle-free as well as any closed profits. Any questions or concerns may be directed to Bitcoin Revolution customer service. They will be happy to assist you with anything you may require. It simply does not get any easier.
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Bitcoin and other alternative currencies are not currently recognized as legal tender in South Africa. That does not mean, however, that you will not have to pay any taxes on gains made trading them. According to the South African Revenue Service, anyone that accepts these currencies as a form of payment must disclose them as taxable income. Traders who earn profits trading Bitcoin or other currencies may also be responsible to pay a capital gains tax. Bitcoin miners in South Africa must also pay taxes. South Africa has not required new tax laws to be written concerning Bitcoin and other currencies, but has rather decided to use the existing laws. Bitcoin and other currencies may be categorized as "intangible assets" and may be taxed as such. The VAT status of Bitcoin and other currencies is under review, but could change in the future.

For investors looking to speculate in Bitcoin and other currencies, understanding the potential tax implications is very important. Make sure to perform adequate research on how such investments may be viewed by your tax authority and to stay on top of any changes made to the laws or tax guidelines. A great way to do this is to discuss any speculation plans with your tax advisor.

The trading and speculation in Bitcoin and other alternative cryptocurrencies has opened up a vast opportunity for wealth creation and these forms of digital money may very well change how global commerce is conducted today. Cryptocurrencies may not only improve the speed of transactions, especially across monetary lines, but may also potentially provide added security and peace of mind. The cryptocurrency revolution has already taken hold in many areas of the globe. The people of South Africa are now quickly buying into Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading. Rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen, the time to get involved is now. With a small capital requirement, there is really no reason to avoid getting started right away. Take the first step and register for Bitcoin Revolution today. Doing so may put you one big step closer to financial freedom!
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